Building Consent Exemptions for Sheds

To make the building consent process streamlined, the New Zealand government has introduced new regulations for sheds, getting rid of the need for building consents in specific scenarios.

Let’s take a look at some of those updated rules based on the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC), focusing on sheds and barns that fall within these new criteria. Understanding these changes will help shed owners and builders navigate the new requirements and ensure compliance with relevant district planning rules.

The key criteria for shed exemptions are:

  • Rural zone requirement
  • Maximum floor area limit of 110 square metres.
  • Span limitation of 6.0 metres (unsupported).
  • Height restrictions in the apex (not exceeding 4.0 metres above floor level).
  • Floor level limitation (not greater than 1.0 metre above ground level).
  • Wind zone classification requirement (no greater than ‘high’).
  • Access restrictions for the general public.
  • Prohibition on storing hazardous substances.
  • Design and construction requirements by qualified professionals.

Compliance with District Planning Rules:

  • The importance of adhering to relevant district planning regulations.
  • Understanding how shed exemptions interact with local planning guidelines (find out more about your local council here).
  • Seeking additional professional advice for non-standard materials or methods.

Material Choice and Considerations:

  • There are no restrictions on the type of construction material for exempted sheds.

The recent updates in building consent exemptions mean shed owners and builders can streamline their projects.

By meeting the specific criteria outlined in the NZBC, sheds can be constructed without the need for a building consent. However, compliance with district planning rules remains crucial to ensure the overall legality and safety of the structure. Seeking professional advice and adhering to relevant guidelines will help shed owners navigate the process effectively and achieve successful outcomes in their shed projects.

We recommend that you consult official government sources or relevant local authorities for the most up-to-date information regarding building consent exemptions in New Zealand. Some handy links include:

MBIE Guidance for building without a consent

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