Shed Gallery Goodwin Storage ShedNgakaroa Storage ShedNgakaroa Storage shedOrmond Lifestyle ShedSleepout and WorkshopPatutahi Machinery ShedPatutahi Machinery ShedMatawhero CanopyMatawhero CanopyMatawhero CanopyTangihau Bull ArenaTangihauAircraft HangerAmerican Barn, Lifestyle HomeAmerican Barn, Lifestyle HomeGoat ShedGoat ShedGoat Shed under constructionGoat Shed under constructionusing our steel purlin system Hanson Lifestyle Shed with sleepout Hanson Lifestyle Shed with sleepout Hanson Lifestyle Shed with sleepoutHicks Ranch CabinWintering barnAmerican BarnAmerican Barn with Ply/Baton CladdingLean-to with open bay canopyHorowhenua Barn Boat ShedBoat ShedBoat ShedFeed PadCalf ShedGoat ShedFeed padFeed PadTe Karaka Orchard ShedTe Karaka Orchard shedTe Karaka Orchard shedHaisman Lifestyle/Farm ShedPatutahi Boat Shed Queenstown Boat Shed – Man CaveQueenstown Man CaveRanch cabin with Ply/Baton Cladding Ranch cabin with Ply/Baton Cladding Sketcher Ranch cabinBlue Bay Ranch Cabin Blue Bay Ranch Cabin Blue Bay Ranch Cabin Blue Bay Ranch Cabin Calf ShedStorage Units